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(123) 555-6789


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  • Proficient in traditional/digital illustration and animation

  • Skilled in Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Spine, Blender, and InDesign

  • Works very well in a team as well as autonomously


The Art Institute of California-San Francisco
Bachelor of Science in Media Arts & Animation, 2009


MobilityWare, Remote
Senior Artist I
4/2022 to Present

SciPlay, Austin TX
Senior Game Artist
3/2021 to 4/2022

  • Creating new content for in-game and promotional material for Bingo Showdown

  • Illustration, animation, and graphic design

  • Establishing efficient templates to ease any part of the process that isn’t creative

Playstudios, Austin TX
Senior Production Artist
6/2017 to 2/2021
Marketing Artist/Lead Marketing Artist
10/2015 to 6/2017

  • Creating new content for in-game and promotional material for myVegas, POP! Slots, and myKONAMI

  • Creating cohesive designs which feature licensed art of various styles

  • Reviewing and directing outsourced art 

Launchpad Toys, San Francisco CA

  • Worked as sole in-house artist from conceptualization to final artwork and animations for many products, including Toontastic, Toontastic Jr. Shrek, Toontastic Jr. Kung Fu Panda and TeleStory

  • Worked with team to establish art style, story direction, and app features

  • Managed outsourced artists and animators

Artistic Studios, San Francisco CA
Illustrator/Production Artist
1/2010 to 1/2012                                     

  • Assembled artwork for Disney and Pixar themed children’s books quickly and efficiently

  • Relied upon for activity ideas and page designs


Toontastic 3D

  • Created animations for in-app tutorials

  • Illustrated all assets involved
Game Artist

  • Created character and background assets/animations for mobile games

Disney Mobile
iOS Sim Game
Character Concept Artist

  • Conceptualized designs for NPCs used in game

  • Completed projects on time in addition to full time schedule

Customizable Templates
Production Artist

  • Designed artwork that could be created quickly while having the most marketing appeal

Tokay Press, Stockton CA
Graphic Designer
9/2009 to 12/2009

  • Communicated with clients and designed to their needs

  • Often worked on projects from pre-press through production